Friday, January 22, 2016

Egg Bake

Eggs. I like them in things, like muffins and stir fry! But eggs by themselves...let's just say they aren't my thing. But, I know they are good for me and a great source of protein besides meat. So, like I do with most nutritious things, I find a way to make them taste delicious.

Ironically, I discovered this recipe while we did a themed date night to Finland. Apparently these are a Finnish style meal. They fluff up so nicely, with just the right amount of browning.

Syrup. Powdered sugar. Cinnamon sugar. Fruit. They pair well with so many toppings!

We often eat this with turkey bacon, a green smoothie, or a fruit salad.

Egg Bake
3 Tbs butter, melted
4 eggs
2 cups milk (I use skim, but 2% would be good too!)
1/2 cup white flour, sifted
2 Tbs sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 450F. Melt butter and place in 9x13 glass baking dish. Whisk eggs briskly until combined but not whipped, about 20 seconds. Add in milk, sugar, salt and vanilla. Sift in flour (otherwise it will be chunky once baked), Whisk until all combined. Pour into baking dish on top of melted butter. Bake at 450F for 20-23 minutes, until just beginning to brown.
Suggested toppings: maple syrup, powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar, or fresh fruit.

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