Monday, August 6, 2012

The 5 C's of a Nonperfectionist Housewife

My husband has a deep passion to overcome mediocrity, because, as he likes to put it, "average sucks." We had so many conversations about how everyone has a special gift that is unique to them, something that they should share with the world. It was those kind of probing, introspective questions that I contemplated.
After much thought, I was led to this: the 5 C's of a Nonperfectionist Housewife. These are the 5 core components that I think each housewife should be able to constantly learn, mature and cultivate. And these are the principals that I will base my blog posts on.

  1. Cooking
    I enjoy cooking healthy, natural meals that my husband and I enjoy, but doing it with a meal plan, grocery list (including coupons), and all on a budget. 
  2. Cleaning
    I don't want someone to walk into my house and gasp at how awfully dirty it is, but I also don't want them to think that it is a museum that no one lives in. So, I believe in the happy medium that is clean, livable, and always ready to welcome guests! 
  3. Crafting
    I enjoy doing holiday themed crafts, but also thrifty ones for home decor, storage, or decoration. You never know what kinds of items you were going to throw away that can be recycled, reused or altered to fit your needs!
  4. Conditioning
    Conditioning is just a fancy word for exercise (it had to fit into my C theme, of course!). I believe that taking care of your body is a blessing that you will receive back ten-fold both today and in your later years. I'm not super hard core, but I do intense work outs that fit well into my life schedule. My girlfriends and I enjoy working out together and sharing exercise routine ideas, so be prepared for some new conditioning!
  5. Conservation
     Couponing, recycling, reusing, buying goods that are on sale, using energy efficient electronics, cleaning with green cleaners, etc are what I consider as conservation. I think that those little things have a grand effect of conservation over time. The small role that we each play will combine with the efforts of others to produce a huge result of conservation. (Plus, I think it is contagious!)

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