Friday, August 10, 2012

How to Clean Your Wedding Ring

I can’t recount the number of times that my husband and I enjoy marveling at my beautiful wedding rings! But lately I’ve been ashamed because they are SO dirty and cloudy and not so sparkly. Anyone else feel my disgust?

I was playing a scavenger hunt around my house trying to find the jar of ring cleaner from my jeweler. Since I moved in with my husband, my ring cleaner and curling iron has gone missing (strange things to lose, huh?)
I was complaining about this to my grandmother, desperately asking if she had anything I could clean my ring with. She taught me a great, simple and cheap tip on how to clean my rings.

Ammonia water.
-Ammonia (I bought a 1.8L jug from the Dollar Store for $1.50)
-toothbrush (I got a free on from my dentist, but you can get a cheap one at the Dollar Store too!)
1 part ammonia, 1 part water. (I used about 2 tablespoons of each in a coffee mug).
Drop your rings in the solution and let them soak for about 1 minute.
Dip a toothbrush in the ammonia water (not the one you use on our teeth! Buy one from the dollar store) and scrub the ring.
Rinse and dry off.
Now admire your sparkly (nearly new) ring!

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