Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Peanut Butter Corn Flake No-Bake Cookies

These are one of my husbands favorite treats! He has the recipe written on an old envelope. I have no idea where the recipe came from, but we've personalized it to become even more delicious. Super easy, super quick, and super yummy.

1 cup white sugar
1 cup corn syrup
1 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup butter
6 cups corn flakes

Bring the sugar and syrup to a boil.
Remove from heat and add the peanut butter and butter. Stir until melted.
Pour over the cornflakes in a large mixing bowl. Mix together thoroughly.
Spoon a heaping scoop onto wax paper. Allow to cool.
(Or eat them after 5 minutes, once they have melded together but are still a bit warm and gooey. Yummmmm)

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