Monday, February 1, 2016

Debunking Himalayan Pink Salt

Have you heard of this new Superfood: Himalayan Pink Salt? Have you seen it in the stores? It seems like every where I go I'm seeing this beautiful pink salt. Wondering what all the hype is about? Here is some research I have found regarding this amazing new superfood. Note: I have found actual clinical studies that show scientific evidence of the benefits. I believe in going to the source (clinical studies) rather than word of mouth. The information listed below is based on research articles found at the links listed.

Image from Livestrong

Found in the Himalayan Mountains, this salt is naturally pink (and pretty!). Everyone seems to be saying there are 84 different types of minerals found it this salt (from a quick google search). Here's what you should know: it is 97.41% sodium chloride (salt). That means that more or less the entire thing is basic salt. After much research, I came across a study done in 2000 that broke down which elements are in a sample of Himalayan salt, and how much of each element were found. They actually found 94 elements! But remember, those 94 elements make up 2.69% of the salt.  Here's the chart that lists each element, it's atomic #, and it's percentage. 

Although that's not a lot of each mineral per serving, it isn't harmful! Most table salts are processed and refined and have iodine added. Pink salt is completely naturally occurring in the earth, meaning no processing or refining or added ingredients.

The internet is a wonderful tool but there is SO MUCH out there about this popular new food. I scourged through google searches until I found more actual scientific research studies. Below is a brief list of the clinical results found here.

There were 4 test groups included in this study. Each group drank 1.5L of a specific type of water per day, respectively.
Group 1 (FIJI water only)
Group 2 (tap water only)
Group 3 (FIJI water and Himalayan crystal salt) *this is the group we are watching
Group 4 (tap water with common table salt)

Results after :
  • HDL (Good Cholesterol): increased with all 4 groups
  • LDL (Bad Cholesterol): decresed with all 4 groups
  • Physical energy: Increased with Group 1 and group 3
  • Nail and hair growth: Increased with Group 1 and group 3
  • Less pain during menstruation: Group 1 and group 3
  • Less emotional exhaustion (female): Group 1 and group 3
  • Positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, excretory, skin, urinary, metabolic systems, plus spleen, liver, gall bladder: Group 3

Overall it seems like the Pink Himalayan Salt will likely have positive effects on your health and well being! So why not jump in and join the new trend! I have replaced my traditional table salt with pink salt. I purchased it from Marshalls at a great price, too. Although I don't use much salt in my everyday cooking, I love stove popped popcorn sprinkled with pink salt. Yum!   

Do you use pink salt? If so, what are your thoughts and opinions? I'd love to hear, especially after doing research and learning the facts!